ABOUT ///////
I am currently a PhD candidate in Environmental Engineering at Eawag and ETH Zürich, in Switzerland, with background in Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Planning at Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. My current research goal is to create tools that support urban planners in reducing the amount of people experiencing heat vulnerability. To do that, I’m using microclimate models to improve Blue-Green Infrastructure planning towards increasing evaporative cooling and thermal comfort. In easier words, I want to find where we place trees in cities to provide heat shelters to those who need it the most.
In addition to my research interests, I also enjoy mountaineering, microphotography, Zen Buddhism and playing samba. In this website you may find my scientific production as well as a shelf with books that made me who I am. Thank you for visiting!
#evaporativecooling #microclimatemodelling #environmentaljustice #bluegreeninfrastructure #naturebasedsolutions #heatmitigation #stormwatermanagement #urbanclimate #philosophyoftechnology #philosophyofengineering
“Plant a tree yesterday”
Selected video of 2024 Nature Awards Science in Shorts
“How long it takes for urban vegetation to reach peak cooling?”
Ph.D. Environmental Engineering at ETH Zürich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) and Eawag (Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science and Technology), Switzerland
M.Sc. Civil Engineering (with Distinction) at the Polytechnic School of the Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
B.Sc. Double Degree in Architecture and Urban Planning at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Study Abroad Year M.Eng. Civil Engineering at The University of Sheffield, England, UK
B.Sc. Civil Engineering at the Polytechnic School of the Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
“D-BAUG science video selected by Nature Awards”
D-BAUG news, Iris Mickein, 08.2024, LINK 🔗
“Using satellite imagery to optimise urban cooling”
D-BAUG news, Editorial Office, 01.2024, LINK 🔗
“Mit Grün und Blau gegen die Hitze”, Hirn aus dem Computer, Wissenschaftsmagazin
Remo Vitelli, SRF 2 Kultur, starts at 21min34sec, 09.2023, LINK 🔗
September newsletter: participant highlights
NASA-ARSET, 09.2023, LINK 🔗
“Using satellite imagery to optimise urban cooling”, Eawag News
Andri Bryner, 08.2023, LINK 🔗
“Vegetação nos tetos pode ser uma opção interessante para a gestão da água nas cidades”
Rádio USP, 06.2022, LINK 🔗
“Olhar para sentir”, Revista Vida Simples
Débora Gomes, 04.2018, LINK 🔗
“O caminho para o autoconhecimento”, Revista Vida Simples
Débora Gomes, 03.2018, LINK 🔗
Your Shot Photo Best Photo
National Geographic, 02.2018, LINK 🔗